Friday, July 27, 2012

How Do I Know if I’m Running 32-bit or 64-bit Linux?

If you’ve bought a new computer recently, you probably have a 64-bit processor and installed the 64-bit version of your Linux distribution. What if your computer is a bit older and you don’t remember?
There is a nice and simple command line program called uname that will tell us exactly that.

Open a terminal window (Applications > Accessories > Terminal).

In the terminal window, type in
uname –m
and hit enter.
  • If the response is i686, you have a 32-bit version of Linux.
  • If the response is x86_64, you have a 64-bit version of Linux. 

Note: if you get some other value like i386, you almost certainly have a 32-bit version of Linux.
You can find out more detail about your particular installation of Linux, like your kernel version, by entering
uname –a


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